Monday 2 May 2011

Developments Towards Final Project

First I added color to both the right and left mouse clicks. I added in a twinkling sound that I really liked when I first started my idea with the swirls. However the sound didn't really work for rectangles.

The colors and pattern the sketch created reminded me a bit of Alice in Wonderland, so I started looking up sounds from the movie and stumbled upon this song that I thought worked really well.

Using the song, the sketch changed a bit, and using timers I had the color change according to the song. I thought it was cool, but Ben pointed out that it wasn't really interactive so I went back to square one (pun intended).

I changed the transparency of the rectangles which created a nice layering effect, and using key commands, I made it so the viewer could make the squares the colors of the rainbow by pressing r,o,y,g,b,p for red, orande, yellow, green, blue and purple respectively. This got a little to complicated I thought and it was hard to make any noise sound pleasant with all the different key commands. Angela advised it all to keep it simple, so once again I went back to square one.

I kept the transparency and added an edited clip of the song. I think it could still be more interactive especially with the sound. Nonetheless, I definitely learned a lot of processing through the evolution of this project.

The final can be found here.

Embedding is not working for me for some reason.

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